Sparks in the Time of Solitude: Knight Heroes 2020

“Motivation” is the number one issue cited by colleagues and friends that I’m in regular contact with since the Safer-At-Home Order has brought drastic changes to our everyday lives. Adjusting to the new reality is work unto itself; staying creatively inspired in addition takes dedicated focus! Even though the 37th edition of Miami Film Festival was a truncated version of what was originally planned, we were truly blessed to be able to hold our second annual Knight Heroes masterclass on March 8th at the Olympia Theater.
This special program, supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, aims to inspire emerging and veteran south Florida filmmaking creatives with real talk from three filmmakers who have a distinct connection to those in our region’s cinematic landscape. The 2020 edition featured Joe Talbot, who spoke of the unique five-year effort involving local creative collaborators to get his award-winning first feature made – The Last Black Man in San Francisco; Stella Meghie, who spoke of her mental “Mike Tyson” approach to breaking through barriers to create her four features (the latest of which is The Photograph); and Lulu Wang, who spoke of the great importance of a diversity of perspectives, which she explored as a filmmaker in her two features, the latest of which is The Farewell.
See the full capture of this illuminating Festival event on Miami Film Festival’s YouTube channel.