A Look at Gonzalo Maza’s THIS IS CRISTINA, 2020 Winner, Jordan Ressler Award, 37th Miami Film Festival

The 37th edition of Miami Film Festival ended prematurely on March 12, 2020, with 20% of the Festival’s official selection left unscreened. One of those films was the eagerly anticipated US premiere of Gonzalo Maza’s directorial debut, THIS IS CRISTINA. However, the jury members of the Festival’s Jordan Ressler First Feature Award were able to view all the films eligible for this year’s $10,000 cash award, and selected THIS IS CRISTINA as this year’s winner. We hope to bring this wonderful film to Miami Film Festival audiences in the near future to view as was originally intended, but for now, MFF programmer Nicolas Calzada offers an extended closer look at the film and what makes it so special.