Celebrating its fifth edition in 2023, Knight Heroes is a program funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation where bright and bold filmmakers share their insights, observations, and advice about their creative paths and future outlooks through conversations about their own creative heroes. In 2022 this initiative embarks on a new direction as Miami Film Festival collaborates with Field of Vision’s IF/Then Shorts.
Knight Heroes 2023 provides development grants of $1000 each and direct mentorship to four local filmmakers. Projects are required to be original, standalone short documentaries (between 8-30 min in duration) in development or pre-production; be factually accurate, follow best practices in documentary ethics, and designed for a U.S. audience The selected projects explore a range of socially, politically and culturally relevant topics that are rooted in the region, in the form of community-inspired, short-form storytelling coming from South Florida, with filmmakers interested in building their Southern creative collaborative community.