In the aftermath of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, filmmaker Kim Snyder follows the student survivors who turned their grief into activism for gun control. We follow them over 18 months on the March for Our Lives bus tour that's credited for swaying votes across the country in 2018. We gain greater insight into these teenagers who were thrust into a media spotlight and vilified by right wing extremists. Their courage in standing up for their beliefs makes them a potent force for 2020 and years to come.
Following the screening, a panel discussion will take place, moderated by Natalia Crujeiras, Executive Director of Miami Dade College Cultural Affairs, and featuring panelists and film subjects Sam Fuentes and Jaclyn Corin, co-founder of the March For Our Lives movement and filmmaker Kim Snyder.
This screening is supported by John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.