Dolly Kitty and Those Twinkling Stars, we follow the lives of cousins Dolly and Kazal. Living in the suburbs of New Delhi, Dolly is a middle-class working mother with a son and a hardworking husband. They are excited as they plan to move to a newly built luxury apartment...but there's a secret they keep to maintain their picture-perfect lifestyle. Kazal moves from rural India to live in a city, but the opportunities are very few for a young woman with little skills. So, she works as a cyber-lover under the name Kitty on a dating app and meets a man. Now the two cousins who were critical of each other's life, share their secrets and understand each other.
Alankrita Shrivastava's follow-up to Lipstick Under my Burkha(MFF 17), Dolly Kittyis a fun, ambitious burst of color about two women finding freedom and sexual agency in a newly developing city.
This screening is supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and sponsored by Estrella Damm.