{Black Title Here}


"{Black Title Here}" chronicles a surreal day-in-the-life of James, a Los Angeleno on his day off from work. Dealing with friends, an ever-present girlfriend and an unexpected visit by his ex, his day is far from relaxing. His constant nosebleeds and stressful dreams hint to suppressed worries on a day where everything seems just a bit...off.

Event Dates

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Silverspot Cinema

Silverspot Cinema

Director Bio

Sev DeMyers is an independent Los Angeles based writer and director known for his first short film "Doo Doo's Revenge" (15) and "Branches Break" (17). Sev DeMyers' films have screened at Urbanworld, Martha's Vineyard, LA Shorts, Cleveland International, ASPIRE TV and more.

Cast & Credits

  • Director(s)
    Sev DeMyers
  • Producer(s)
    Sev DeMyers, L. Maxwell McKissick
  • Screenwriter(s)
    Sev DeMyers
  • Cinematographer(s)
    Morgan Cooper
  • Cast
    Rufus Burns, Rome Green Jr., Selynne Silver, Winn Gaspard, Mia Janet

Film Info

  • Year
  • Category
  • Country
    United States
  • Run-Time
    29 min
  • Language
