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Two Women (Deux femmes en or)

Directed by Chloé Robichaud
99 mins

Violette and Florence can no longer make sense of what’s happening to them. Both neighbors are haunted by a sense of failure: despite having successful careers and families, they are not happy. What if happiness lies in rebelling against a rigid performance-driven society by sometimes choosing short-term satisfaction over success, freedom over being good? In a world where having fun is nowhere near the top of the priority list, having an adventure with the delivery guy can become revolutionary. For Violette and Florence this is the breath of fresh air they’ve been longing for.

A hit at the Sundance Film Festival this past January, Two Women is a fun new feminist sex-romp-comedy.

Expected guests

Karine Gonthier-Hyndman
Laurence Lebœuf


Friday April 48:45pm

Silverspot CinemaRoom 13

Sunday April 612:30pm

Silverspot CinemaRoom 12

Sponsored By
  • Year
  • Country
  • Language
  • Premiere Status
    East Coast Premiere
  • Director
    Chloé Robichaud
  • Producer
    Amérique Film
  • Writer
    Catherine Léger
  • Cinematographer
    Sara Mishara
  • Editor
    Mathieu Bouchard, Chloé Robichaud
  • Genre
  • Theme
    Canada, En français, Marimbas, Directed by Women
  • Award
  • Community Partners
    Consulate of Canada in Miami (SPONSOR), Québec Government Office in Miami (SPONSOR), Alliance Française

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